Terence Lawrenson
Location for Mediation Johannesburg
Primary Mediation Service Offering Engineering encompassing Manufacturing, Electricity, Mining, Renewable Energy and Infrastructure. All aspects involving where people overlap with work.
Expertise I am an engineer with an Honours degree in Psychology and a Masters in Philosophy (Applied Ethics). I have a 35 year history in working with people in complex environments where relationships and interpersonal effectiveness play a significant role in collective outcomes. My experience is slanted towards the engineering, manufacturing and mining environments and includes renewable energy and infrastructure – however I am comfortable in any situation that involves commercial, contractual and interpersonal relationships. I have a 20+ year track record at the highest levels of business including MD/CEO roles and directorships of local and offshore businesses.
Qualifications BSc. Electrical Engineering, Hons. Psychology, MPhil (Applied Ethics), GCC, Mediation Training.